From left to right we have a Bobobie Sprite, Resinsoul Yao(dj or double jointed), Resinsoul Li (dj), Resinsoul Rong (dj) and Resinsoul Fei (sj or single jointed). I'm not going to go into the color comparisons at this time that will be for a later post. The names listed after the company name is just the name that the company gives the doll but they can be ordered in any variations as I mentioned in the general info the heads and bodies can be swapped between the 2 companies, with the exception of RS Lu and Ian as there heads are slightly smaller and do not work as well with double jointed bodies.
You can notice many things about the Bobobie (BBB) body vs the Resinsoul (RS) from this phote. The BBB bodies are more cylinder and chunky, whereas the RS are considered slim MSD's. The joint construction is also different between the 2 companies, BBB has a 3 part torso that fits into each other, RS's 3 part torso sits more stacked on top of each other on a lip in the conjoining part (see photo A). The exception to this is the RS old single jointed body (Fei in above photo) I say old because the newer single jointed bodies have the lip just like the double jointed bodies do (see comparison in photo B).
The next thing you may have noticed are the bust sizes. The BBB comes in a mature(see photo above) and immature body (photo C), RS has 3 different busts/bodies dj immature (Li) dj mature (Rong) and the sj regular bust (Fei). Another wonderful addition to the resinsoul sculpts is the recent hooved/beast leg Yao doll, which you can get on with either Li or Rong bust. I believe they could fit on the sj body but the hip socket is a little smaller than the dj hip socket, it may look a little odd with the doll nude but with clothes on it would probably not be so noticeable.
Lets talk about elbow and knee joints. BBB joints are a peanut like piece that is a separate jointed inbetween the upper and lower appendage this type of jointing system allows more control of posing for the doll. The RS sj body does not have a connecter it is simple just the upper and lower appendage interconnected, however there are ways to improve posing from this body by placing wires inside the doll to hold poses better. The RS dj body has a separate elbow and knee joint that is visible connecting the appendages, as with the BBB body it provides more range of poses and movement. (see photo D for closer details)
Also another note on BBB vs RS is the way the hands and feet are connected. Both are strung the same with thick elastic, but RS feet and hands will be connected to the elastic by S hooks (see photo E). From my experience of purchasing BBB dolls from the company they do not come with the S hooks. The importance of the S hooks are for ease of restringing doll or removing the hands to fit the arm in a narrow sleeve or pant leg.
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